
Brand Building Not Limited to Products, Services & Individuals; There’s Soul Branding too!

A brand is a name, term, design, symbol, promise, or a feature that creates a distinct identity for a seller and his business (including products & services). A brand encompasses the name, logo, image, and perceptions that identify a product, service, or provider in the minds of customers. Like fundamentals of brand, a person may also be perceived as a brand. A person may also possess a name, nick name, an image, etc. that identifies his/her personality. Like a strategic personality for a product or company, so that brand now suggests the values and promises that a consumer may perceive and buy into, same values & promises a person also should imbibe for the society acceptance.

Branding takes shape by way of brand identity i.e. logo design, product design, packaging, advertising, and other forms of marketing communications. Brand awareness builds brand loyalty and becomes focus point when one is building consumer relationship and brand equity for the object identified to
attract and retain customers; and assures owners and shareholders aiming to invest for long term business profitability.  On the other hand, when a person is being built as a brand it is created and defined through unique name, looks & physique; the attire which stands as a packaging, & how he/she
carries himself/herself in a particular situation or segment of the society.

Brand equity is a phrase used in the marketing industry referring to the perceived worth of a brand. Consumers perceive the products of well-known brands superior than those of lesser-known ones owing to its perceived better image in terms of quality, glamour, packaging, market presence, innovations
& finally how they contribute to improve the society and its surroundings through their service. The owner of a well-known brand generates larger revenue owing to their well chalked out brand recognition strategy. For instance use of the word gentleman creates a whole new level of acceptance
for a person. The word gentleman (personal equity) attaches a perceived worth & social value/status for a person, as a result of which he can generate more acceptance, and recognition, perceived wiser, a visionary, talented, well behaved, confident, & a responsible towards family & society at large. Thus the word gentleman succeeds in creating a lasting impression in the minds of people & society at large.

A good branding building strategy includes an array of considerations. From understand the product and service for which the brand has to be created, understanding the business goals and objectives, identifying the customer profile, to building effective platforms & the tones for communicating
with the audience; building a relevant brand story to project and position Company owners and more.

All this requires a company to design and execute marketing and communication messages across various visibility channels including print and digital media to solidify and leverage brands on the path of growth. It also requires an aspiring brand to create the right TOOL KIT to embed its purpose, values,
promise, positioning, and above all IDENTITY within the organization and beyond. With time, this process of building a brand comes to embody a promise about the goods it identifies, a promise about quality, performance, or other dimensions of value, leading to influence consumers & choices amid its
competing products. 

Similarly when a brand has to be built around an individual, it needs a well laid out strategy in place. It may include creating an identity of the person & design his/her personality. This can be attained when we understand his or her purpose of life, commitments, and views and contribution to build a society.
Around these, a successful life (brand) story can be built which may include the principles of karmas, understanding health & science, sanskara one has learnt and absorbed from elders and surrounding; one’s understanding and take on art & culture, society rituals, spirituality, patriotism, humbleness,
national integrity, family & social welfare etc. and how she/he uses all these qualities to empower fellow beings, society & nation. Building an individual as a brand may also require one to undertake a SWOT study, be creative to bring out different variants to make it sound like a brand, perform like a brand, hold a promise, have an aura (glamour) to create an image that is priceless. This entire process is referred to as equity of brand in real sense. 

Finally, it is all about making the best of whatever is handed over to us or we’ve decide to choose. We ought to be able to create our personal value (brand value) which would help us to live a life of self-respect and dignity. An image that will not only earn us recognition here on earth but also compel the
universe to beautifully design the packaging for our soul preparing us for our next birth to earn credentials or attain nirvana.

Mahendra Pendharkar

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